This is the first encounter I had with Poocat, although I did not know it at the time. Blissfully unaware of the future horrors that awaited me, I thought to myself how charming it was to have a fuzzy neighbor that I might become aquinted with and won't it be nice to share together our stories, in the cool of the evening, of other things I find on my patio.
Hi, I'm doing a segment called 'my place in cyberspace' on my blog where I interview a random person from cyberspace-kind of like a 'word on the street'that you read in the newspaper. It would be great if you could participate. Here are the questions:
What is the name of your blog?
What is your blog about?
Where in cyberspace have you travelled today?
What is your favourite place in cyberspace?
Can you give readers a link to an important website/article/blog that you think they should read?
To: lee kindler
Re: my place in cyberspace
The name of my blog is "Things I Find On My Patio".
It's about Things I Find On My Patio. You might not think I find a lot of things on my patio, but you'd be wrong, dead wrong.
Today in cyberspace I traveled to some website with E3 videos to watch the trailer for the next Prince of Persia which looks pretty spiffy, and also some horrible joke of a trailer for Duke Nukem, which was hopefully a horrible joke.
My favourite place in cyberspace is probably amazon.ca, or maybe TED
I think this is an important talk worth watching: The Bottom Billion
thanks for that.. just posted it on my blog...
Good luck with poo cat
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